
Thursday, November 18, 2010

A week of gratitude, Day 1

Thanksgiving is a week away, so, here, in the spirit of the season, are a few of the things we're thankful for this week, from the ridiculous to the sublime.

DVD players, playing all our favorites: Charlie Brown, Pink Panther, Caillou, Veggie Tales, Max and Ruby, and all gazillion episodes of The Land Before Time (seriously, how many ARE there of these?).

Our local county park with its newly renovated playground and its fabulous annual festival of lights, complete with merry-go-round and fire pits for s'mores.

SC weather: it's 65 degrees and sunny right now, thank you very much!

Craigslist. Anyone want a slightly used set of Pfaltzgraff Ocean Breeze dinnerware, service for 8?

1 comment:

Betsy (Eco-novice) said...

What a lovely presentation. I'm sure you've sold that set by now. I am also very very thankful for DVD players. And TV in general, which I try very hard to not over-use, but oh how I love it when i need it.