
Thursday, February 23, 2012

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Happy Birthday, Baby E!

My second and last "baby" is two years old today. He continues to alternately mystify and amaze me. On the one hand, he is the latest of late talkers and yet he can communicate volumes through his facial expressions and monosyllables. He is a tough kid who is becoming increasingly determined to make his wants known. Once upon a time, we thought Babe E was going to be our easy going child. We were wrong. He is just as opinionated and willful as his brother, if not more. Whereas I was somehow able to put the fear of my wrath into J and convince him that running off, leaving my side, not coming when I call, walking into the street, touching the oven, etc. was BAD BAD BAD, I have not had the same success with Baby E. He defiantly refuses to do what we tell him most of the time, often standing in front of us or running away, looking back over his shoulder, grinning, daring us to count to three. Cheeky child!

Baby E is a loving boy who still likes to cuddle; he even lets me hold and rock him sometimes, still, but he'd much rather be playing with his trains, trucks, cars, or planes. His greatest joy right now would be to ride on a school bus or a steam engine. He likes to play by himself, most likely because playing with his older brother can be a minefield, and I will often find him lying on his side under or on top of some random table or chair, driving a line of trains or cars around in circles. He is also a climber--never met a shelf or hill or piece of furniture he didn't want to scale. The appearance of bunk beds in his bedroom made his month! Baby E has a big sweet tooth (again, wonder where that came from?) but doesn't like cake or cookies much. He's more of a candy man, himself. And he LOVES music; he's got more rhythm than all of us, I think. You gotta see this kid dance! Or hop! He's very physical, actually.

I think his first full, distinguishable sentences happened today: "Make macaroni and cheese for E! Right now! Come on!" Now imagine someone saying all that with out any of the opening consonants and you'll have a pretty good approximation of how he talks. You'll also see that it was food that drove him to speak. His first word every morning is "Eat!" He's been having a growth spurt from birth, it appears!

Baby E has dark brown hair but his curls appear to have been a trick of the humidity in SC. Right now, he's in desperate need of a haircut to curb the shaggy look. His eyes are the darkest brown, and he is still the tallest two year old we know. He laughs a lot and keeps us laughing and we love him tons and tons!

On our first VERY cold outing in Cleveland.

Playing with balls and making ice cream at the Metroparks Farmpark.

More balls at the Great Lakes Science Center.

Blowing out the candles on his birthday cookie!


Linsey said...

Happy Birthday! Sorry, we have now successfully missed both your boys' birthdays this year. Next year will be better. We barely managed to celebrate for Caleb and Isaac, ah, the newborn stage. Lots of love to E and J from all of us.

Coloring Pages said...

Cute birth day Gifts Coloring Pages is one way that keeps your child busy and entertained. There are a variety of Cute Coloring Pages with pictures that your child want to paint. The child will be glued on the computer for a good number of time.

Betsy (Eco-novice) said...

Isa's first 100 words were all foods. At 2 1/2, I think she eats more than I do.